;;  $Id: sound.asm,v 1.32 2008/06/26 07:20:06 fvecoven Exp $
;;  Copyright (C) 2008 Frederic Vecoven
;;  This file is part of Pacsound
;;  Pacsound is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
;;  (at your option) any later version.
;;  Pacsound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;  along with this program. If not, see <>

        list p=18f452

; timer 0 : update one voice
; Pacman drives the audio FSM at 3MHz. It takes 64 cycles to update the 3 voices,
; the first voice gets 24 cycles, and the other two get 20 cycles. So the voice 
; refresh rate is about 150kHz.

#define TMR0_RELOAD     0xEA

; timer 1 : 60Hz (AE9F)
#define TMR1_RELOAD_H   0xD9
#define TMR1_RELOAD_L   0x04

; flags
#define F60HZ           Flags, 0

var_g1  UDATA_ACS       0x0

temp0           res     1
temp1           res     1
galTemp         res     1
Flags           res     1       ; flags
hCount          res     1       ; 60Hz counter

; used in update_volume
gType           res     1
gVol            res     1

        GLOBAL  temp0, temp1, gType, gVol, hCount, Flags

var_g2  UDATA_ACS       0x8
; frequency, accumulator, wave select and volume for each voice
v0_hFreq_L      res     1       ; address 0x08
v0_hAcc_L       res     1
v0_hFreq_M      res     1
v0_hAcc_M       res     1
v0_hFreq_H      res     1
v0_hAcc_H       res     1
v0_hWaveSel     res     1
v0_hVol         res     1
v1_hFreq_L      res     1       ; address 0x10
v1_hAcc_L       res     1
v1_hFreq_M      res     1
v1_hAcc_M       res     1
v1_hFreq_H      res     1
v1_hAcc_H       res     1
v1_hWaveSel     res     1
v1_hVol         res     1
v2_hFreq_L      res     1       ; address 0x18
v2_hAcc_L       res     1
v2_hFreq_M      res     1
v2_hAcc_M       res     1
v2_hFreq_H      res     1
v2_hAcc_H       res     1
v2_hWaveSel     res     1
v2_hVol         res     1
                                ; address 0x20

        GLOBAL v0_hFreq_L, v0_hFreq_M, v0_hFreq_H, v0_hWaveSel, v0_hVol
        GLOBAL v1_hFreq_L, v1_hFreq_M, v1_hFreq_H, v1_hWaveSel, v1_hVol
        GLOBAL v2_hFreq_L, v2_hFreq_M, v2_hFreq_H, v2_hWaveSel, v2_hVol

        ; BANK 4 : wave table
var_4   UDATA   0x400

table           res     0xff

; extern functions from pacman module
        extern  pacman_refresh, pacman_wavetable
; extern functions from galaga module
        extern  galaga_refresh, galaga_wavetable, galaga_sound

        ORG     0x0000
        goto    main
        ORG     0x0008
        goto    int_handler
        ORG     0x0100
int_code        CODE

        btfss   PIR1, TMR1IF
        bra     int_test_0
        call    int_timer1
        bcf     PIR1, TMR1IF
        btfss   INTCON, TMR0IF
        bra     int_test_2
        call    int_timer0
        bcf     INTCON, TMR0IF
        retfie  FAST

; Implements the namco hardware which runs at 1.5MHz.
; The namco hardware implements 3 adders (1x20 and 2x16 bits)
; using a 4-bits adder, 2 64x4 bits RAM, and a prom as a
; sequencer. The first adder is 20 bits by constraint, the 4 LSB
; are always 0.
; There are 3 voices, which are controlled by a frequency
; setting (16 bits), a volume (4 bits) and a wave select (3 bits).
; At each step, the frequency is added to a 16-bits accumulator.
; The upper 5 bits are concatenated with the 3 bits of wave select,
; and a lookup is done in a prom (256x4bits). That gives the 4 LSB
; to output to the DAC. The 4 MSB are the volume bits.
; Our implementation is highly-optimized, because it's hard to get
; 3 voices from a 10MHz PIC. Basically, we want to have the shortest
; code here, this avoiding any test and minimizing the number of 
; instructions. Since voice 0 requires a 20 bits adder, we have
; a 24 bits adder. Frequency data, when set in voice 0, is left
; shifted of 4 bits, so the 24 bits adder becomes a 20 bits adder.
; For voices 1 and 2, the data is shifted by 8 bits, giving a 16
; bits addition. Note that it is not worth checking for voices 1 and
; 2 here, the overhead of having a 24 bits adder is just 2 instructions.
; The voices registers are accessed using indirect register, with
; post-increment mode to get to the next data. To detect when voice 2
; is completed, we use a bit test instruction. This works because the
; data is put in memory at a boundary : when the last byte of voice 2
; has been accessed, the FSR0L value is 0x20. So we can simply test
; if bit 5 is set, in which case we reload FSR0 to the first data of
; voice 0.

; We assume that the lookup table (256 bytes) is aligned.
        movlw   TMR0_RELOAD             ; reload timer
        movwf   TMR0L
        movf    POSTINC0, w             ; freq low byte
        addwf   POSTINC0, f             ; added to acc low byte
        movf    POSTINC0, w             ; freq middle byte
        addwfc  POSTINC0, f             ; added to acc middle byte + carry
        movf    POSTINC0, w             ; freq high byte
        addwfc  INDF0, f                ; added to acc high byte + carry

        movf    POSTINC0, w             ; get acc high byte
        andlw   0xF8                    ; keep upper 5 bits
        iorwf   POSTINC0, w             ; set wavelsel to lower 3 bits
        movwf   FSR2L                   ; so we get the location in the table
        movf    INDF2, w                ; do the table lookup (high nibble)
        iorwf   POSTINC0, w             ; add volume bits (low nibble)
        movwf   LATD                    ; set it !

        btfss   FSR0L, 5                ; smart location in memory
        return                          ; to allow easy detection of end

        lfsr    FSR0, v0_hFreq_L        ; back to voice 0

; every 1/60s. simply set a flag and do the work in the main loop
        movlw   TMR1_RELOAD_H
        movwf   TMR1H
        movlw   TMR1_RELOAD_L
        movwf   TMR1L
        incf    hCount, f               ; increment 60Hz counter
        bsf     F60HZ

main_code       CODE

        ; init ports
        clrf    TRISD
        clrf    LATD

        ; init timer0
        movlw   b'11001000'             ; on, 8-bit, internal clock, no prescale
        movwf   T0CON
        ; init timer1
        movlw   b'10110001'             ; on, 16-bit, internal clock, 1:8 prescale
        movwf   T1CON
        movlw   TMR1_RELOAD_H
        movwf   TMR1H
        movlw   TMR1_RELOAD_L
        movwf   TMR1L
        ; init interrupts
        clrf    INTCON
        bsf     INTCON, TMR0IE          ; enable timer 0 interrupt
        bsf     INTCON, IPEN            ; enable peripheral interrupt
        bsf     PIE1, TMR1IE            ; enable timer 1 interrupt

        ; init RAM
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x000
        movlw   .128
ram0    clrf    POSTINC0
        decfsz  WREG
        bra     ram0
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x100
        call    clear_bank
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x200
        call    clear_bank
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x300
        call    clear_bank
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x500
        call    clear_bank

        lfsr    FSR0, v0_hFreq_L        ; init FSR0
        ;call   pacman_wavetable
        call    galaga_wavetable

        bsf     INTCON, GIE             ; enable interrupts

        call    debug_setup
        ;movlw  0x3
        ;call   galaga_sound
        btfsc   F60HZ                   ; work to do ?
        call    timer_60hz

        goto    main_loop

; 60Hz tasks
        ;call   pacman_refresh
        call    galaga_refresh
        btfsc   PORTC,6
        call    debug_setup

        bcf     F60HZ

; clear bank pointer by FSR1
        clrf    temp0
cb_1    clrf    POSTINC1
        decfsz  temp0
        bra     cb_1

; make voices with 0 volume really silent
        GLOBAL  fix_voices
        tstfsz  v0_hVol
        bra     fv1
        clrf    v0_hFreq_L
        clrf    v0_hFreq_M
        clrf    v0_hFreq_H
        clrf    v0_hAcc_L
        clrf    v0_hAcc_M
        clrf    v0_hAcc_H
fv1     tstfsz  v1_hVol
        bra     fv2
        clrf    v1_hFreq_L
        clrf    v1_hFreq_M
        clrf    v1_hFreq_H
        clrf    v1_hAcc_L
        clrf    v1_hAcc_M
        clrf    v1_hAcc_H       
fv2     tstfsz  v2_hVol
        clrf    v2_hFreq_L
        clrf    v2_hFreq_M
        clrf    v2_hFreq_H
        clrf    v2_hAcc_L
        clrf    v2_hAcc_M
        clrf    v2_hAcc_H

; DEBUG START ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

extern Effect, Wave
                                        ; RC0-4 : 0-31 number
                                        ; RC7 : 1 = effect   0 = wave
#if 0
        btfss   PORTC, 7
        bra     set_wave                                

        movf    PORTC, w
        andlw   0x1F
        movwf   temp1
        movlb   .1
        movlw   .3
        cpfslt  temp1                   ; effect 1-2 are channel 1
        movlb   .2
        movf    temp1, w
        movwf   Effect
        bra     set_done
        movf    PORTC, w
        andlw   0x1F
        incf    WREG, w
        rlncf   WREG, w
        movlb   .1
        decf    WREG, w
        movwf   Wave
        movlb   .2
        incf    WREG, w
        movwf   Wave
        movf    PORTC, w
        andlw   0x1F
        call    galaga_sound

; DEBUG END ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


;;  $Id: galaga.asm,v 1.12 2008/06/26 18:16:25 fvecoven Exp $
;;  Copyright (C) 2008 Frederic Vecoven
;;  This file is part of Pacsound
;;  Pacsound is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
;;  (at your option) any later version.
;;  Pacsound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;  along with this program. If not, see <>

        list p=18f452

        ; BANK 5
var_5   UDATA   0x500

sound_number    res     1
voice_number    res     1
num_voices      res     1
chunk_done      res     1
data_byte       res     1
data_next       res     1
bfreq           res     2
vol             res     3       ; volume of each voice (v0, v1 and v2)
freq            res     6       ; frequency of each voice
wavesels        res     3       ; wavesel of each voice
offset          res     1
data0           res     1
data1           res     1
wavesel         res     1
sound05_count   res     1
sound05_vol     res     1
sound06_count   res     1
sound06_wavesel res     1
states          res     43      ; 9A00  : state information
do_sound        res     23      ; 9AA0  : set to '1' to play the corresponding sound
in_sound        res     23      ; 9AC0  : set by the code when sound is playing
positions       res     43      ; 9A30  : tables of offsets
acc16           res     2
data16          res     2

; variables from main module
        extern  temp0, temp1, gType, gVol, hCount, Flags
        extern v0_hFreq_L, v0_hFreq_M, v0_hFreq_H, v0_hWaveSel, v0_hVol
        extern v1_hFreq_L, v1_hFreq_M, v1_hFreq_H, v1_hWaveSel, v1_hVol
        extern v2_hFreq_L, v2_hFreq_M, v2_hFreq_H, v2_hWaveSel, v2_hVol
; functions from main module
        extern fix_voices

galaga_code     CODE

; Arg: W = sound to play (0 - 16h)
        GLOBAL  galaga_sound
        movlb   .5
        lfsr    FSR1, in_sound
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        tstfsz  INDF1
        return                  ; already in_sound
        lfsr    FSR1, do_sound
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        tstfsz  INDF1
        return                  ; already do_sound
        incf    INDF1, f

        GLOBAL  galaga_wavetable

        clrf    TBLPTRU
        movlw   high(galaga_wavetable_data)
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movlw   low(galaga_wavetable_data)
        movwf   TBLPTRL
        lfsr    FSR1, 0x400             ; bank 4
        clrf    temp0
cwt     tblrd*+
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   POSTINC1
        decfsz  temp0
        bra     cwt
        lfsr    FSR2, 0x400             ; FSR2 = pointer to wavetable

        GLOBAL  galaga_refresh
        movlb   .5              ; galaga data is in bank 5
        ; XXX : add this
        movlw   0x13
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x13
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_13
        clrf    do_sound+0x13
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_0F
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x13
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x0F
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x0F
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_0F
        clrf    do_sound+0xF
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_03
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x0F
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x03
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x3
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_03
        clrf    do_sound+0x3
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_02
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x3
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x02
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x2
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_02
        clrf    do_sound+0x2
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_04
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x2
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x04
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x4
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_04
        clrf    do_sound+0x4
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_01
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x4
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x01
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x1
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_01
        clrf    do_sound+0x1
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_12
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x1
        call    continue_sound
        movlw   0x12
        movwf   sound_number
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x12
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_cont_12
        clrf    do_sound+0x12
        call    start_sound
        bra     check_05
        tstfsz  in_sound+0x12
        call    continue_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x5
        bra     $+4
        bra     not_05
        movlw   0x5
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound_bis
        incf    sound05_count, f
        movlw   .7
        cpfslt  sound05_count
        bra     set_vol_05              ; if (sound05_count <= 6) then
        clrf    sound05_count           ;     sound05_count = 0
        movlw   .4
        cpfslt  sound05_vol             ;     if (sound05_vol < 4) 
        bra     xx_05
        movlw   0xC
        movwf   sound05_vol             ;     then sound05_vol = 0xC
        bra     set_vol_05
xx_05   decf    sound05_vol, f          ;     else sound05_vol--
        movf    sound05_vol, w
        movwf   vol+2                   ; voice2_vol = sound05_vol
        bra     check_06
        clrf    in_sound+0x5

        tstfsz  do_sound+0x6
        bra     $+4
        bra     not_06
        movlw   0x6
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound_bis
        incf    sound06_count, f
        movlw   0x1C
        cpfseq  sound06_count
        bra     set_wav_06              ; if (sound06_count == 0x1C) then
        clrf    sound06_count           ;       sound06_count = 0
        incf    sound06_wavesel, f      ;       sound06_wavesel++
        movf    sound06_wavesel
        movwf   wavesels+2              ; voice2_wavesel = sound06_wavesel
        bra     check_09
        clrf    in_sound+0x6    

        tstfsz  do_sound+0x9
        bra     $+4
        bra     not_09
        movlw   0x9
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound_bis
        bra     check_07
        clrf    in_sound+0x9
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x7
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_11
        movlw   0x7
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x11
        bra     $+4
        bra     not_11
        movlw   0x11
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound_bis
        bra     check_0D
        clrf    in_sound+0x11
        tstfsz  do_sound+0xd
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_0E
        movlw   0xd
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0xe
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_0E_part2
        movlw   0xe
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0xe
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_14
        movlw   .9
        movwf   vol+2
        movlw   .6
        movwf   vol+3
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x14
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_15
        movlw   0x14
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x15
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_0A
        movlw   0x15
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x0A
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_0B
        movlw   0x0A
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x0B
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_10
        movlw   0x0B
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x10
        bra     $+4
        bra     not_10
        movlw   0x10
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound_bis
        bra     check_0C
        clrf    do_sound+0x10
        tstfsz  do_sound+0xC
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_16
        movlw   0xC
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x16
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_08
        movlw   0x16
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound
        tstfsz  do_sound+0x8
        bra     $+4
        bra     check_done
        movlw   0x8
        movwf   sound_number
        call    play_sound

        call    copy_to_hw

; copy to hardware
#if 1
                        ; voice 0
        clrf    v0_hFreq_L
        movf    freq, w
        movwf   v0_hFreq_M
        movf    freq+1, w
        movwf   v0_hFreq_H
        movf    vol, w
        andlw   0xf
        movwf   v0_hVol
        movf    wavesels, w
        andlw   0x7
        movwf   v0_hWaveSel

#if 1
                        ; voice 1
        clrf    v1_hFreq_L
        movf    freq+2, w
        movwf   v1_hFreq_M
        movf    freq+3, w
        movwf   v1_hFreq_H
        movf    vol+1, w
        andlw   0xf
        movwf   v1_hVol
        movf    wavesels+1, w
        andlw   0x7
        movwf   v1_hWaveSel

#if 1

                        ; voice 2
        clrf    v2_hFreq_L
        movf    freq+4, w
        movwf   v2_hFreq_M
        movf    freq+5, w
        movwf   v2_hFreq_H
        movf    vol+2, w
        andlw   0xf
        movwf   v2_hVol
        movf    wavesels+2, w
        andlw   0x7
        movwf   v2_hWaveSel     

        call    fix_voices


; play sound
        call    get_data
        call    check_in_sound
ps_1    call    process_chunk
        decfsz  num_voices
        bra     ps_end
        tstfsz  chunk_done      ; if (chunk_done == 0)
        bra     ps_2
        return                  ; then return
ps_2    clrf    chunk_done      ; else chunk_done = 0
        lfsr    FSR1, in_sound
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        clrf    INDF1           ; in_sound[sound_number] = 0
        lfsr    FSR1, do_sound
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 : do_sound[sound_number]

                        ; sound 8       
        movlw   .8
        cpfseq  sound_number    ; if (sound_number == 8)
        bra     ps_3            ; then
        decf    INDF1, f        ;   do_sound[sound_number]--

                        ; sound C : played twice and followed by 16
        movlw   0xC
        cpfseq  sound_number    ; if (sound_number == 0xC)
        bra     ps_5            ; then
        decf    INDF1, f        ;   do_sound[sound_number]--
        btfsc   STATUS, Z       ;   if (do_sound[sound_number] != 0)
        bra     ps_4            ;   then
        btfsc   INDF1, 0        ;     if (do_sound[sound_number] & 0x1 == 0)   
        return                  ;       then return
ps_4    movlw   .1
        movwf   do_sound+0x16   ;   play sound 16
                        ; sound 15 : played once and followed by 13
        movlw   0x14            ; if (sound_number == 0x14)
        cpfseq  sound_number    ; then
        bra     ps_6
        clrf    INDF1           ;    do_sound[sound_number] = 0
        movlw   .1
        movwf   do_sound+0x13   ;    play sound 13
                        ; all other sounds
        clrf    INDF1           ; default : do_sound[sound_number] = 0

ps_end  incf    offset, f
        incf    voice_number, f
        bra     ps_1

; start sound
        lfsr    FSR1, in_sound
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        incf    INDF1, f        ; in_sound[sound_number] = 1

        call    get_data
        call    init_sound

        bra     continue_sound_2

; continue sound
        call    get_data

        call    process_chunk
        decfsz  num_voices
        bra     cs_2
        tstfsz  chunk_done
        bra     cs_1
cs_1    clrf    chunk_done
        lfsr    FSR1, in_sound
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        clrf    INDF1           ; in_sound[sound_number] = 0
cs_2    incf    offset, f
        incf    voice_number, f
        bra     continue_sound_2

; play sound bis
        call    get_data
        call    check_in_sound
        bra     continue_sound_2

; check_in_sound
        lfsr    FSR1, in_sound
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        tstfsz  INDF1           ; if (in_sound[sound_number] != 0)
        return                  ; then return

        incf    INDF1, f        ; in_sound[sound_number] = 1
        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        movf    num_voices, w
cis_1   clrf    POSTINC1        ; init states array
        decfsz  WREG
        bra     cis_1
        lfsr    FSR1, positions ; init positions array
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        movf    num_voices, w
cis_2   clrf    POSTINC1
        decfsz  WREG
        bra     cis_2


; get data : get offset, num_voices and voice_number from ROM
        movlw   high(table3)
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movlw   low(table3)
        movwf   TBLPTRL
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   WREG, w
        addwf   sound_number, w ; W = 3 * sound_number
        addwf   TBLPTRL, f
        btfsc   STATUS, C
        incf    TBLPTRH, f      ; TBLPTR = table3[3 * sound_number]
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   offset
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   num_voices
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   voice_number

        movlw   0xE
        cpfseq  sound_number    ; sound_number E is special (echo effect)
        movlw   .0
        cpfseq  positions+0x1C  ; if (9A4C == 0)
        bra     gd_1
        movlw   .1              ; then
        movwf   num_voices      ;       num_voices = 1
gd_1    movlw   .1
        cpfseq  positions+0x1C  ; if (9A4C == 1)
        bra     gd_3
gd_2    movlw   .2              ; then
        movwf   num_voices      ;       num_voices = 2
gd_3    tstfsz  positions+0x1D  ; if (9A4D == 0)
        bra     gd_2            ; then num_voices = 2

; process one chunk of data
        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        incf    INDF1, f        ; states[offset]++
                                ; read data0, data1 and wavesel
        movlw   high(table4)
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movlw   low(table4)
        movwf   TBLPTRL         ; TBLPTR = table4
        rlncf   offset, w       ; W = 2 * offset
        addwf   TBLPTRL, f
        btfsc   STATUS, C
        incf    TBLPTRH, f      ; TBLPTR = table4 + 2 * offset

        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   temp1
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   temp0           ; temp[01] = address of WAVExx

        movf    temp0, w
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movf    temp1, w
        movwf   TBLPTRL         ; TBLPTR = temp[01]
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   data0           ; read data0
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   data1           ; read data1
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   wavesel         ; read wavesel

        lfsr    FSR1, positions
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        movf    INDF1, w        ; W = positions[offset]
        addwf   TBLPTRL, f
        btfsc   STATUS, C
        incf    TBLPTRH, f      ; TBLPTR += positions[offset]

        movf    TABLAT, w       ; read one byte from ROM
        movwf   data_byte       ; and save it.
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   data_next       ; and get the next byte
        movf    data_byte, w
        incfsz  WREG, w         ; check if we got 0xFF
        bra     chunk_1         ; no. goto chunk_1

        lfsr    FSR1, vol
        movf    voice_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        clrf    INDF1           ; vol[voice_number] = 0
        movlw   .1
        movwf   chunk_done      ; chunk_done = 1

                        ;; frequency
        movlw   high(table0)
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movlw   low(table0)
        movwf   TBLPTRL
        movf    data_byte, w
        andlw   0x0F
        rlncf   WREG, w
        addwf   TBLPTRL, f
        btfsc   STATUS, C
        incf    TBLPTRH, f      ; TBLPTR = table0 + 2 * (data & 0xF)
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   bfreq
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   bfreq+1         ; read frequency from TBLPTR

        swapf   data_byte, w
        andlw   0x0F            ; W = data >> 4
        btfsc   STATUS, Z
        bra     chunk_3         ; if (W == 0) goto chunk_3
        movwf   temp0
chunk_2                         ; else freq = freq >> W
        bcf     STATUS, C
        rrcf    bfreq+1, f
        rrcf    bfreq, f
        decfsz  temp0
        bra     chunk_2
        lfsr    FSR1, freq
        movf    voice_number, w
        rlncf   WREG, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f
        movf    bfreq, w
        movwf   POSTINC1
        movf    bfreq+1, w
        movwf   POSTINC1        ; freq[voice_number] = bfreq

                        ;; volume
        movlw   0x0C
        subwf   data_byte, w    ; W = data - 0xC
        btfsc   STATUS, Z
        bra     vol_zero        ; W == 0xC, goto vol_zero

        movf    data0, w
        andwf   WREG, w
        btfsc   STATUS, Z
        bra     data0_zero      ; data0 == 0
        decf    WREG, w
        btfsc   STATUS, Z
        bra     data0_one       ; data0 == 1
        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = states[offset]
        movlw   .6
        cpfslt  INDF1
        bra     data0_zero      ; states[offset] > 6
        comf    INDF1, w
        bra     store_vol
        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = states[offset]
        movlw   .6
        cpfslt  INDF1
        bra     data0_zero      ; states[offset] > 6
        movf    INDF1, w
        addwf   WREG, w
        bra     store_vol
        movf    data1, w
        andwf   WREG, w
        btfsc   STATUS, Z
        bra     data1_zero      ; data1 == 0
        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = states[offset]
        movlw   0xA
        cpfsgt  INDF1
        bra     data1_zero      ; if (INDF1 < 0xB) vol = 0xA
        movlw   0x15
        cpfslt  INDF1
        bra     vol_zero        ; if (INDF1 >= (0xB+0xA)) vol = 0 
        movf    INDF1, w
        sublw   .0
        addlw   0x15
        bra     store_vol
        movlw   0x0A
        bra     store_vol
        movlw   .0
        bra     store_vol
        movwf   temp0           ; save vol
        lfsr    FSR1, vol
        movf    voice_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = vol[voice_number]
        movf    temp0, w        ; restore vol
        movwf   INDF1           ; and save it

        ;; wavesel
        lfsr    FSR1, wavesels
        movf    voice_number, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = wavesels[voice_number]
        movf    wavesel, w
        movwf   INDF1

        ;; adjust tables
        movlw   high(table5)
        movwf   TBLPTRH
        movlw   low(table5)
        movwf   TBLPTRL
        movf    sound_number, w
        addwf   TBLPTRL, f
        btfsc   STATUS, C
        incf    TBLPTRH, f      ; TBLPTR = table5[sound_number]
        movf    TABLAT, w
        movwf   temp1           ; temp1 = table5[sound_number]

        movf    data_next, w
        movwf   data16
        clrf    data16+1        ; data16 = data_next on 16 bits
        clrf    acc16   
        clrf    acc16+1         ; acc16 = 0
        movlw   .8
        movwf   temp0
        rrcf    temp1, f        ; if (temp1 & 0x1)
        btfss   STATUS, C
        bra     chunk_5
        movf    data16, w       ; then
        addwf   acc16, f
        movf    data16+1, w
        addwfc  acc16+1, f      ;       acc16 += data16
        bcf     STATUS, C
        rlcf    data16, f
        rlcf    data16+1, f     ; data16 = data16 << 1
        decfsz  temp0
        bra     chunk_4

        lfsr    FSR1, states
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = states[offset]
        movf    INDF1, w
        cpfseq  acc16
        clrf    INDF1           ; states[offset] = 0
        lfsr    FSR1, positions
        movf    offset, w
        addwf   FSR1L, f        ; FSR1 = positions[offset]
        incf    INDF1, f
        incf    INDF1, f        ; positions[offset] += 2
galaga_data     CODE_PACK

        db      0x70, 0x70, 0xe0, 0xb0, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0xa0
        db      0x90, 0x90, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x80, 0xc0
        db      0xa0, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xa0, 0xc0
        db      0xb0, 0xb0, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0xd0, 0x90, 0xc0, 0xa0
        db      0xc0, 0x70, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x70
        db      0xd0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xa0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0x70
        db      0xd0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xa0, 0xc0, 0x80
        db      0xe0, 0x70, 0xe0, 0x80, 0xa0, 0x70, 0xc0, 0xb0
        db      0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0x80, 0x70, 0xc0, 0xb0, 0xd0
        db      0xe0, 0x70, 0xe0, 0xa0, 0x40, 0xf0, 0xa0, 0xe0
        db      0xd0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xd0, 0x80, 0xd0
        db      0xd0, 0xd0, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0x10, 0x80, 0x70, 0xa0
        db      0xc0, 0x70, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x50, 0x60
        db      0xb0, 0xb0, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0x10, 0xb0, 0x60, 0x50
        db      0xa0, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xb0, 0x20, 0x70, 0x70, 0x50
        db      0x90, 0x90, 0xe0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x80, 0x70
        db      0x70, 0x70, 0x00, 0x40, 0x70, 0x80, 0x80, 0x90
        db      0x50, 0x50, 0x00, 0x20, 0xb0, 0xd0, 0x90, 0x90
        db      0x40, 0x70, 0x00, 0x10, 0xd0, 0x90, 0xa0, 0x80
        db      0x30, 0x30, 0x00, 0x20, 0xe0, 0x40, 0xb0, 0x40
        db      0x20, 0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0xd0, 0x50, 0x90, 0x10
        db      0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x50, 0xb0, 0x70, 0x80, 0x00
        db      0x10, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x70, 0x20, 0x60, 0x10
        db      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x30, 0x00, 0x50, 0x30
        db      0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x70, 0x10, 0x30, 0x40, 0x60
        db      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x70
        db      0x10, 0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x10, 0x50, 0x30, 0x70
        db      0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x30, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40
        db      0x20, 0x70, 0x00, 0x10, 0x70, 0x30, 0x40, 0x20
        db      0x30, 0x30, 0x00, 0x20, 0xe0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x20
        db      0x40, 0x70, 0x00, 0x40, 0x70, 0x30, 0x80, 0x40
        db      0x50, 0x50, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x10, 0x90, 0x70

        dw 8150h
        dw 8900h
        dw 9126h
        dw 99C8h
        dw 0A2ECh
        dw 0AC9Dh
        dw 0B6E0h
        dw 0C1C0h
        dw 0CD45h
        dw 0D97Ah
        dw 0E669h
        dw 0F41Ch
        dw 0

        dw 130h 
        dw 168h
        dw 136h
        dw 1A8h
        dw 168h
        dw 200h
        dw 1ACh
        dw 208h

        dw 0FE00h
        dw 0FE58h
        dw 0FE08h
        dw 0FE98h
        dw 0FE58h
        dw 0FED0h
        dw 0FE98h
        dw 0FED6h
        dw 5B00h
        dw 6C00h
        dw 5B00h
        dw 7E00h
        dw 6C00h
        dw 9700h
        dw 8100h
        dw 9900h
        dw 0D900h
        dw 0B600h
        dw 0D900h
        dw 9700h
        dw 0B600h
        dw 7E00h
        dw 9900h
        dw 8100h

        db 0, 1, 0      ; 0
        db 1, 1, 1      ; 1
        db 2, 1, 1      ; 2
        db 3, 1, 1      ; 3
        db 4, 1, 1      ; 4
        db 5, 1, 0      ; 5
        db 6, 1, 0      ; 6
        db 20h, 3, 0    ; 7
        db 0Ah, 3, 0    ; 8
        db 0Dh, 3, 0    ; 9
        db 7, 3, 0      ; A
        db 13h, 3, 0    ; B
        db 16h, 3, 0    ; C
        db 19h, 3, 0    ; D
        db 1Ch, 3, 0    ; E
        db 1Fh, 1, 2    ; F
        db 2Ch, 3, 0    ; 10
        db 10h, 3, 0    ; 11
        db 23h, 1, 0    ; 12
        db 24h, 1, 0    ; 13
        db 25h, 3, 0    ; 14
        db 28h, 1, 0    ; 15
        db 29h, 3, 0    ; 16

        dw WAVE01
        dw WAVE02
        dw WAVE03
        dw WAVE04
        dw WAVE05
        dw WAVE06
        dw WAVE07
        dw WAVE08
        dw WAVE09
        dw WAVE10
        dw WAVE11
        dw WAVE12
        dw WAVE13
        dw WAVE14
        dw WAVE15
        dw WAVE16
        dw WAVE17
        dw WAVE18
        dw WAVE19
        dw WAVE20
        dw WAVE21
        dw WAVE22
        dw WAVE23
        dw WAVE24
        dw WAVE25
        dw WAVE26
        dw WAVE27
        dw wAVE28
        dw WAVE20
        dw WAVE20
        dw WAVE20
        dw WAVE29
        dw WAVE30
        dw WAVE31
        dw WAVE32
        dw WAVE33
        dw WAVE29
        dw WAVE34
        dw WAVE35
        dw WAVE36
        dw WAVE37
        dw WAVE38
        dw WAVE39
        dw WAVE40
        dw WAVE41
        dw WAVE42
        dw WAVE43
        db 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 0Ah, 7, 0Ch, 0Bh, 4, 0Ah, 0Dh, 4, 1, 4
        db 0Ch, 2, 6, 5, 2, 0Ah
        db 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 6, 71h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 74h, 1, 73h, 1, 72h
        db 1, 71h, 1, 70h, 1, 8Bh, 1, 8Ah, 1, 0Ch, 4, 86h, 1, 87h, 1, 88h
        db 1, 89h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 89h, 1, 88h, 1, 87h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 84h
        db 1, 83h, 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 4, 88h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 70h, 1, 71h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 77h
        db 1, 78h, 1, 0Ch, 6, 74h, 1, 73h, 1, 72h, 1, 71h, 1, 70h, 1, 8Bh
        db 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 7, 89h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 8Bh, 1, 0Ch, 1, 70h, 1, 71h, 1, 72h
        db 1, 0Ch, 1, 73h, 1, 74h, 1, 75h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 8Bh, 1, 70h, 1, 71h
        db 1, 0Ch, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 74h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 75h, 1, 76h, 1, 77h
        db 1, 0Ch, 3, 71h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 74h, 1, 75h, 1, 76h
        db 1, 0Ch, 1, 77h, 1, 78h, 1, 79h, 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 5, 71h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 74h, 1, 75h, 1, 76h
        db 1, 0Ch, 1, 77h, 1, 78h, 1, 79h, 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 4, 61h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 76h, 1, 78h
        db 1, 75h, 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 0, 76h, 1, 79h, 1, 60h, 1, 63h, 1, 66h, 1, 63h, 1, 60h
        db 1, 79h, 1, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 7, 81h, 8, 81h, 1, 86h, 3, 88h, 9, 8Bh, 3, 8Ah, 9, 86h
        db 3, 88h, 9, 73h, 3, 71h, 9, 86h, 3, 88h, 9, 8Bh, 3, 8Ah, 9, 86h
        db 3, 71h, 9, 75h, 3, 76h, 9, 74h, 3, 72h, 9, 71h, 3, 8Bh, 9, 89h
        db 3, 88h, 9, 84h, 3, 74h, 9, 76h, 3, 74h, 9, 71h, 3, 73h, 4, 8Bh
        db 4, 88h, 4, 71h, 4, 8Ah, 4, 88h, 4, 0Ch, 10h, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 6, 8Ah, 9, 81h, 3, 88h, 9, 83h, 3, 86h, 9, 81h, 3, 83h
        db 9, 85h, 3, 8Ah, 9, 81h, 3, 88h, 9, 83h, 3, 86h, 9, 81h, 3, 88h
        db 9, 71h, 3, 72h, 9, 71h, 3, 8Bh, 9, 89h, 3, 88h, 9, 86h, 3, 84h
        db 9, 88h, 3, 89h, 9, 8Bh, 3, 89h, 9, 86h, 3, 8Bh, 4, 88h, 4, 83h
        db 4, 88h, 4, 85h, 4, 83h, 4, 0Ch, 10h, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 7, 81h, 0Ch, 83h, 9, 86h, 3, 85h, 0Ch, 81h, 0Ch, 86h
        db 0Ch, 88h, 9, 8Bh, 3, 8Ah, 0Ch, 88h, 0Ch, 89h, 0Ch, 88h, 9, 86h
        db 3, 84h, 0Ch, 89h, 0Ch, 74h, 0Ch, 71h, 9, 89h, 3, 88h, 0Ch, 71h
        db 9, 8Ah, 3, 0Ch, 10h, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 3, 78h, 2, 0Ch, 1, 78h, 1, 79h, 1, 7Bh, 1, 61h, 3, 0Ch
        db 3, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 3, 73h, 2, 0Ch, 1, 73h, 1, 74h, 1, 76h, 1, 78h, 3, 0Ch
        db 2, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 3, 70h, 2, 0Ch, 1, 70h, 1, 71h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 3, 0Ch
        db 2, 0FFh
        db 1, 0, 4, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 63h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 63h, 1, 65h
        db 3, 0FFh
        db 1, 0, 5, 73h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 73h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 60h
        db 3, 0FFh
        db 1, 0, 7, 8Ah, 1, 73h, 1, 78h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 73h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah
        db 3, 0FFh
        db 1, 6, 4, 7Ah, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 61h, 1, 65h, 1, 68h, 3, 0FFh
        db 1, 6, 4, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 61h, 1, 65h, 3, 0FFh
        db 1, 6, 4, 75h, 1, 71h, 1, 75h, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 60h, 3, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 7Ah, 1, 76h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 8Bh, 1, 88h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h
        db 1, 82h, 1, 83h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 88h, 1, 86h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h
        db 1, 8Bh, 1, 8Ah, 1, 73h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 70h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 70h, 1, 72h
        db 1, 8Ah, 1, 8Bh, 1, 86h, 1, 88h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h, 1, 82h, 1, 80h
        db 1, 9Ah, 1, 9Ah, 1, 83h, 1, 82h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h
        db 1, 88h, 1, 86h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h, 1, 8Bh, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h, 1, 86h
        db 1, 85h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 10h, 3, 93h, 2, 9Ah, 2, 83h, 3, 9Ah, 1, 98h, 1, 96h, 1, 95h
        db 1, 93h, 2, 95h, 3, 96h, 2, 98h, 2, 9Ah, 2, 9Bh, 2, 9Ah, 2, 98h
        db 1, 96h, 1, 95h, 1, 92h, 1, 93h, 1, 95h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 7Ah, 1, 77h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 77h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 80h, 1, 88h, 1, 87h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h
        db 1, 82h, 1, 83h, 1, 87h, 1, 85h, 1, 88h, 1, 87h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h
        db 1, 80h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 73h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 70h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 77h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 70h, 1, 72h
        db 1, 8Ah, 1, 80h, 1, 87h, 1, 88h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h, 1, 82h, 1, 80h
        db 1, 9Ah, 1, 9Ah, 1, 83h, 1, 82h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h, 1, 87h, 1, 85h
        db 1, 88h, 1, 87h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h, 1, 80h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h, 1, 87h
        db 1, 85h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 10h, 3, 93h, 2, 9Ah, 2, 83h, 3, 9Ah, 1, 98h, 1, 97h, 1, 95h
        db 1, 93h, 2, 95h, 3, 97h, 2, 98h, 2, 9Ah, 2, 90h, 2, 9Ah, 2, 98h
        db 1, 97h, 1, 95h, 1, 92h, 1, 93h, 1, 95h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 7Ah, 1, 76h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 8Ah, 1, 88h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h
        db 1, 82h, 1, 83h, 1, 85h, 1, 86h, 1, 88h, 1, 86h, 1, 8Ah, 1, 70h
        db 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 4, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 3, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 75h, 1, 72h, 1, 73h, 1, 70h, 1, 72h
        db 1, 8Ah, 1, 8Ah, 1, 86h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 83h, 1, 82h, 1, 80h
        db 1, 9Ah, 1, 9Ah, 1, 8Bh, 1, 80h, 1, 82h, 1, 83h, 1, 85h, 1, 86h
        db 1, 88h, 1, 8Ah, 4, 0FFh
        db 2, 10h, 3, 73h, 2, 75h, 2, 76h, 2, 75h, 2, 73h, 2, 72h, 2, 70h
        db 2, 72h, 2, 73h, 2, 8Bh, 2, 8Ah, 2, 86h, 2, 83h, 4, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 4, 71h, 4, 73h, 4, 71h, 4, 73h, 4, 76h, 4, 78h, 4, 76h
        db 4, 78h, 4, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 6, 56h, 1, 55h, 1, 54h, 1, 53h, 1, 52h, 1, 51h, 1, 50h
        db 1, 6Bh, 1, 6Ah, 1, 69h, 1, 68h, 1, 67h, 1, 66h, 1, 65h, 1, 64h
        db 1, 63h, 1, 62h, 1, 61h, 1, 60h, 1, 7Bh, 1, 7Ah, 1, 79h, 1, 78h
        db 1, 77h, 1, 76h, 1, 75h, 1, 74h, 1, 73h, 1, 72h, 1, 71h, 1, 70h
        db 1, 8Bh, 1, 8Ah, 1, 89h, 1, 88h, 1, 87h, 1, 86h, 1, 85h, 1, 84h
        db 1, 83h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 5, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h, 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 78h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 71h, 1, 60h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 78h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 75h, 1, 78h, 1, 73h
        db 1, 75h, 1, 61h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 76h
        db 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 7Ah, 1, 76h
        db 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 79h, 1, 76h, 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 79h, 1, 76h
        db 1, 73h, 1, 61h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 79h, 1, 61h, 1, 78h, 1, 79h, 1, 75h
        db 1, 78h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 2, 5, 60h, 1, 60h, 1, 60h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 5, 61h, 2, 78h, 2, 78h, 2, 61h, 2, 78h, 2, 78h, 2, 61h
        db 2, 78h, 2, 78h, 2, 61h, 2, 78h, 2, 78h, 2, 61h, 2, 78h, 2, 7Ah
        db 2, 75h, 2, 63h, 2, 7Ah, 2, 7Ah, 2, 63h, 2, 7Ah, 2, 7Ah, 2, 63h
        db 2, 7Ah, 2, 79h, 2, 63h, 2, 79h, 2, 79h, 2, 63h, 2, 79h, 2, 76h
        db 2, 73h, 2, 0FFh
        db 2, 2, 5, 78h, 1, 78h, 1, 78h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 10h, 5, 85h, 6, 85h, 6, 85h, 6, 85h, 6, 85h, 4, 85h, 4, 86h
        db 6, 86h, 6, 86h, 6, 86h, 6, 86h, 4, 86h, 4, 0FFh
        db 2, 4, 5, 81h, 1, 81h, 1, 81h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 7, 65h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 61h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 63h, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 5, 7Ah, 5, 0Ch, 1, 7Ah, 1, 0Ch, 1, 7Ah, 3, 0Ch, 1, 78h
        db 7, 0Ch, 1, 78h, 7, 0Ch, 1, 78h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh, 5, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh
        db 1, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh, 3, 0Ch, 1, 7Ah, 7, 0Ch, 1, 7Ah, 7, 0Ch, 1, 7Ah
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh, 1, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh, 1, 0Ch, 3, 7Bh, 1, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 61h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 61h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 61h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 61h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 61h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 61h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 63h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 63h
        db 1, 0Ch, 3, 63h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 63h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 63h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 63h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 0FFh
        db 2, 0, 3, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h, 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h
        db 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h, 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h
        db 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h, 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h
        db 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h, 2, 76h, 2, 86h, 2, 8Ah, 2, 71h
        db 2, 76h, 2, 77h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 77h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 77h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 77h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 69h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 69h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 69h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 69h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 69h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 69h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 8Bh, 2, 73h, 2, 76h
        db 2, 7Bh, 2, 7Bh, 2, 76h, 2, 73h, 2, 8Bh, 2, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 2, 86h, 8, 81h, 8, 86h, 8, 81h, 8, 86h, 8, 81h, 8, 86h
        db 8, 81h, 8, 82h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 82h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 82h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 82h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 84h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 84h, 1, 0Ch, 3, 84h, 1, 0Ch, 1, 84h
        db 3, 0Ch, 1, 84h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 84h, 3, 0Ch, 1, 7Bh, 8, 76h, 4, 8Bh
        db 4, 0FFh
        db 0, 0Ch, 5, 75h, 0Ch, 71h, 0Ch, 8Ah, 0Ch, 86h, 0Ch, 0Ch, 9, 75h
        db 3, 71h, 9, 8Ah, 3, 86h, 4, 8Ah, 4, 71h, 4, 89h, 4, 70h, 4, 73h
        db 4, 8Bh, 0Ch, 73h, 0Ch, 76h, 0Ch, 78h, 0Ch, 0Ch, 9, 79h, 3, 76h
        db 9, 72h, 3, 8Bh, 4, 89h, 4, 86h, 4, 72h, 4, 89h, 4, 76h, 4, 0FFh
        db 0, 0Ch, 5, 71h, 0Ch, 8Ah, 0Ch, 86h, 0Ch, 85h, 0Ch, 0Ch, 9, 81h
        db 3, 8Ah, 9, 86h, 3, 85h, 4, 86h, 4, 8Ah, 4, 86h, 4, 89h, 4, 8Bh
        db 4, 88h, 0Ch, 8Bh, 0Ch, 73h, 0Ch, 76h, 0Ch, 0Ch, 9, 76h, 3, 72h
        db 9, 8Bh, 3, 8Ah, 4, 86h, 4, 82h, 4, 8Bh, 4, 89h, 4, 82h, 4, 0FFh
        db 0, 0, 3, 75h, 18h, 75h, 18h, 75h, 18h, 71h, 0Ch, 75h, 0Ch, 73h
        db 18h, 73h, 18h, 72h, 18h, 76h, 0Ch, 78h, 0Ch, 0FFh

        db 0FAh, 0FFh
